LePoof Rumour

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Has nobody seen the rumours circulating about us trying to sign LePoof from Chelsea, or are they being ignored through a) non-belief or b) fear?

Could we cope with having one of the nations most hated footballers in our side. Normally having the chance to have a European and World Cup winner in our side would fill us with anticipation, but a taller Kets lookalike with a penchant for slagging everyone off!

We do need another Centre Back? What is your opinion.

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000


I'd go for him like a shot. Even if he does do all this slagging and it's not just the rags printing their usual crap, Bobby would just work his magic. Nee problem.

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

Oh yeah. I can just see him enjoying himself (et famille?) on the sands at Whitley Bay on a wet autumn afternoon, or sightseeing in Benwell. I'd rather stick with Hughes, Goma and Dabs. The thought makes me sick. Yeukkkkk.

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

Oh yeah. I can just see him enjoying himself (et famille?) on the sands at Whitley Bay on a wet autumn afternoon

Why should it only be me and mine who have this delight to look forward to......make a bliddy man of him if you ask me......

but on the serious side, NO we don't want him surely!

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

It would sort out any communication problems we had at the back. A back four of Domi, Goma, Lebouf and Charvet would know what each other are saying!

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

He's a good player (said through gritted teeth!) but no way do we want him here!

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

Didn't he make some rather derogatory comments about the NE? Then again he seems to have made rather derogatory comments about everyone.


-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

no thankyou

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

Can't see it happening with our current defenders playing so well. Can you lot see Beefcake munching through a stottie?

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

He is one player I'd consider giving my ST up if he joined. I hate him. He has been pig-ignorant about the NE and isn't as good as he thinks he is.

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

Ronnie says no chance (Actually they use their favourite phrase - "Wide of the Mark". Thank God!

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

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