greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

I feel in my water that we are going to beat Southampton on Saturday. The last time I felt so sure of a result, we beat Man United 3-0.

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000


I was about to say you've laid the foundations for another loss with that statement but with the NH connection.......carry on. ;0)

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

"I feel in my water that we are going to beat Southampton on Saturday"

No, pet, that's cystitis.

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

Yanno...I wouldn't be surprised if we win on Sat....I won't be able to listen to the game as I'll be apartment hunting. argh! I hope Fox Net shows plenty of highlights here! :-)

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2000

You feel it in your water? Ooh, floods!

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2000

Speaking of floods has anyone heard from Kegsy as Central Japan is being hit by a torrential flood at the minute, is Kegsy in Central Japan?

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2000

Well as de Builder kindly points out, I must rank pretty close to dougal for beinging pessimistic, yet I think we'll even flog Southampton.

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2000

Tre, pessimistic? I have my doubts about that statement, surely it's not true?


-- Anonymous, September 14, 2000

oops, I meant it to be Bud Wiser is always saying I am.

Well it depends on what side of the bed my squeeze gets up on. ;-)

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2000

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