Maine Coon ear points : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I am 99% sure that my cat is a Maine Coon, but, he does not have the points at the top of his ears. I have seen some photos of other Maine Coons that appeared not to have those points either. Are there indeed varieties of Maine Coon without the points?

He has every ohter charactersitic of a Maine Coon I have ever seen listed.

Thank you,


-- Anonymous, September 12, 2000


Hi Mike,

In the Maine Coon standard, against which all competing MC's are judged at a show, the "lynx tipping" of the ears is considered desirable, but not necessary. Some lines of MC's have more tipping than others, and you will see a wide variety in the show halls, from nothing, to big paint brush like tipping on the ears.

If you didn't purchase your cat from a breeder, then you likely have a Maine Coon look a like. The Maine Coon is a naturally occuring breed that has not been bred to extremes by breeders. There are many cats in the domestic population that share the look, as well as many of the endearing qualitys of the Maine Coon breed. It sounds as if you have discovered a beauty, enjoy!

-- Anonymous, September 14, 2000

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