Need celery canning recipes : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

HELP! Have too much celery. Any recipes out there for soups or stews that are heavy on celery for canning (only). Thanks!!

-- Katie (, September 12, 2000


If you can't find what you're looking for, it freezes and dries very well.

-- Cindy (, September 12, 2000.

Haven't tried freezing, but I dry it too. Handy as all get out for throwing into a pot of whatever's for dinner!

-- Leann Banta (, September 12, 2000.

I canned celery in chicken boullion. Just water, boullion and celery, brought to a boil, canned, processed 70 minutes at 15 pounds (pints) Sue

-- Sue (, September 12, 2000.

Canning celery: Hot pack...Wash and trim off tough leaves and woody bottoms. Cut into 1 in. pieces. Cover with boiling water and boil 3 min. Drain, reserving liquid. pack jars and cover with hot liquid, leaving 1in at top...pts. 30 min. qt.. 35 min. 10# pressure.

-- Cindy (, September 13, 2000.

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