Why is the #1 for natodef invisible?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Is this one of Brian's black ops?


-- Q.T.Quazar (qan@home.com), September 12, 2000


I have a few theories:

1. Brian, working with the U.S. government, has been training for real NATO Defense. We all know that wars are just like demented clones of Pac Man, so this step is just logical.

2. His most recent score of 60k is so incredible, that just merely looking at it will decimate your retinas (......ow, big words hurt head). His score is hidden for all our sakes.

3. *SARCASM TURNED ON EVEN MORE THAN USUAL* It's a first for MARP - the site is messing up a little! NO!!!!!!!!! *sarcasm back to normal, please remain in your seats. if this had been an actual joke, you would actually find this tolerable*

4. Brian, using his alter ego (Taz ;) ), has gone into the MARP server itself and destroyed any evidence that his score exists, although we all know deep inside that it does indeed exist, but only in our dreams............

5. The game "Thief" came and stole the inp, since natodef is a ripoff of thief (or is it the other way around? only time will tell.......)

6. BBH took the #1 for it. Plain and simple.

7. ummm.............I'm running dry here.......uh...............HTML has decided to turn on it's master, and destroy web pages as we know it, hence why www.mame.net has gone all freaky.

8. Those darn gnomes. Always blame the gnomes.

Any other suggestions are welcome ;)


J.D. "Spare Time" Lowe

-- J.D. Lowe (jedidrunkenllama@hotmail.com), September 13, 2000.

Suggestions eh...???

Betty Ford Clinic springs to mind......nice rates too.

-- AL - (Gore ain`t Irish !! ) (alexweir@indigo.ie), September 13, 2000.

To answer QT's question: There was a programming error on my part that allowed this. This is fixed. I placed a 100K score(then deleted it), and Brian has returned to the top of the pile.

Further good news - uploads are now allowed again. I apologize for the 11 hours of downtime.

I will point out though that any submission to a * game will now be worth 0 points.

The only problem is NOBODY moved anywhere in the leaderboard. I have sent a request to Zwaxy to fix this problem. By the time this is all said and done though - there will probably be severe leaderboard changes - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED :)

Thanks for reading.

Gameboy9 - MARP Assistant Page Maintainer

-- Gameboy9 (goldengameboy@yahoo.com), September 13, 2000.

yep its the gnomes. always the gnomes.

-- david oliver (davedude1414@yahoo.com), September 13, 2000.

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