chevon questions : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

How old is the best for this. I purchased a Nubian doe with 2 kids- a buck and doe. They were born the first week of July. A

-- Terri (, September 17, 2000


Terri, You know it depends on how much meat you want to get out of them. I like to wait until they are 5 to 6 months old. But, I have dressed them out as young as 2 months when money for hay and grain was short or I wanted one for bbq. I have also taken mature goats to the locker and it was also good eating. If you have any made into goatburger remember to add beef suet to it, not the goat fat as the goat fat will have that "goaty flavor" Good eating! karen

-- Karen Mauk (, September 19, 2000.

You can use pork fat, too, but Karen is right about not using the goat fat. It might be good for tallow candles, or soap, but not for food!

-- Kathleen Sanderson (, September 19, 2000.

Thanks, I would never have thought about the fat!

-- Terri (, September 20, 2000.

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