What's Your Favorate Position?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Gwen's Trailer Trash Forum : One Thread

Do you sleep on you tummy, side, back, or do you flop around all night? I start on the tummy position, arms straight up under the pillows but end up on my side with one armed tucked under my head and the other straight up under the pillow.

(Bet you thought this was about sexual positions didn't ya? Bunch of perverts. :) )

-- Anonymous, September 17, 2000


Yep, I sure did. I was gettin ready to get freak nastee up in here...

I sleep like a pregnant chick. I even sleep with my pregnant pillow still.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

My boyfriend is 6'5 and I only have a full size bed. He sleeps diagonally. I sleep in the tiny triangular space, north of his legs, south of my dog who is normally hogging my pillow. I'm developing an unnatural curvature of the spine.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

I begin the night on my side with one arm between the pillows under my head, the other arm clutching the covers, and with the decorative pillow over my head, all cocoon-like. I wake up on my back with both arms straight up under the pillows and the decorative pillow *still covering* my face. And now that I'm single, all this takes place in the middle of my full-sized bed.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

I sleep like a crazy woman. I don't start out in any particular position. I like sleeping on my tummy and side, but rarely on my back. I do like to wedge my arm under my pillow--that is, until I wake up and it's dead asleep and weighs a ton! My fiance complains that I steal all his blankets and shove him off the bed. He tends to be kind of A.R. when it comes to blankets, though. He is King of all hospital corners.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

Oh, my, Oma, I need to go sit in the corner. I was *so* thinking the wrong thing. Bad, bad, Tracey.

I sleep on my side, hugging a pillow. Or a man, but I haven't had any offers for that recently.

Sleeping on my back or stomach hurts my back.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

Holy moly, I can't imagine being 6'5" and sleeping in a full bed. I'm 6'1" and I know I can hardly sleep in such a space. We have a queen sized bed. I sleep on the left side of the bed, my wife on the right. When the lights go out, I'm semi-curled up on my left side, left arm cradling my head from under the pillow. Sometimes my right arm is in front of me, hand palm down on the mattress, sometimes I stretch it out and rest it on my right hip over the covers. It depends on how my shoulder feels. I always sleep on my left side and try not to be on my right side too much - I breathe easier if I'm on my left side and if I'm on my right all night long I'll get a horrible crik in my neck. (Crik? Is that how you spell it? Crick? Or is that just another name for a small stream or brook?) Anyway, we have a queen sized comforter that my wife always hogs. I don't know how many times I've awakened to find I'm only barely covered and the comforter is hanging way way over her on all sides. So we have these long afghan-sort-of-throw-blankets that are just perfect for "extending" the comforter so I can remain covered just by putting one over my side of the bed at night. Sometimes the cat will curl up next to me and so I might fall asleep with my right hand on her. We bought two king-sized comforters - they're awesome, but we have to wash them very frequently because the cat sheds on them all day and all night, inside and out, and vacuuming, even twice a day, is not enough.

My wife is out of town for a week as of this morning, so I'll be doing the sprawled-in-the-middle-of-the-bed thing. :-)

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

I don't snore or kick or anything, and if I'm by myself, I wake up in the same position I fall asleep in (side, hands under pillow, semi- fetal when cold, sprawled if hot), but if there's someone else there, I heat-seek. I'll be unconscious and just ootch up closer and closer to the source of heat until they either are clinging to the edge of the mattress or wake up kissing the wall and squished between bed and wall.

It's not something I do deliberately, and luckily it's always been considered charming more than annoying, but I don't think I'd appreciate waking up with my face smushed into a wall more than, oh, once.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

OK Paul, didn't anyone ever explain the blanket rule to you? The female always gets the blankets and the part hanging down her side of the bed is to keep the dust bunnies warm.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

Way to tempt me with kinkiness. I usually flop on my side firse, then my stomach, and end up on my back for most of the night. I kick my blankets all night long, it's weird.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

"Spoons" with my face in my wife's hair. (Love to smell that woman's hair, even after 24 years of marriage.) In the middle of the night we each migrate to different positions, but towards morning, it's back to spoons. She sleeps cold; I sleep hot, so she's always trying to cuddle. Sometimes I wake up *burning hot* because of this and I have to peel her off like a piece of tape. I sleep in jockeys...she sleeps in assorted t-shirt things and panties. You didn't ask, but what rubes do after dark is what makes America interesting, so I thought I'd throw that in for nothing.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

Bubba, me and The Husband-Type Man have spooning down to an art form....We usually end up sleeping apart in the middle of the night, but come morning, it's back to cuddling.

I rarely sleep on my back... and I have to have at LEAST two pillows in order to lie comfortably. Once propped, the left arm slides under THTM's pillow, the right arm gets flunged around him and I hold onto his thumb. By morning, we've reversed positions.

When he's not there, I curl the same way around a body pillow.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

When I used to have a twin bed I slept either on my stomach or on my side and I stayed that way. But ever since I got this new wonderful queen sized bed, I sleep in a new position every night, lenghthwise, upsidedown, diagonally, sideways, on my back, anywhere. I really gotta stop that...it makes my dreams weirder!

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

Paul, tell me about it. On the nights when I pitch a hissy, he'll sleep straight down the bed and the ends of his legs stick out through the footboard at about mid-calf (which I then trip over on my way to the potty at 4am). When I am in bed by myself, I'm pretty much all over the center with my head pretty much near the center b/c as I mentioned earlier, the dog kinda stakes out the pillow area early on. I could kick the dog out, yes. But she's extremely warm in the cool weather months.

-- Anonymous, September 18, 2000

I like to sleep on one side or on my tummy with a pillow underneath me. Often there's a cat curled up in my hair on top of the pillow. I rarely fall asleep on my back unless there's a cat cradled in the crook of my arm. I'm a pretty lousy bed partner; I steal the covers and have been known to kick and talk.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2000

I prefer doggie style.

What? Dogs sleep on their sides, right?
Paul used to carp that I stole the covers. Then I took to watching him in his sleep. He kicks the covers off himself every freaking night. So now I roll myself in them like a tamale and I don't care.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2000

OK, so how many pillows do you sleep with? I think I have 5 on the bed...yeschhh

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2000

Six pillows, one dog, two cats, and oh yeah, one husband.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2000

Gwen, I always knew you were a hot tamale. ;^)

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2000

Yeah, Gwenz...men can sense these things. Besides, we have a secret man's forum and Paul tells us everything. I mean, EVERYTHANG! heheheheheheheheheheheh.

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2000

Whatever, Bubba. You'd best hush before Paul gets the shotgun on your ass.

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2000

Six pillows, but I only personally use two of them. Occasionally four are put to use, and the imps are all wearing mufflers and complaining about the cold front on those occasions, but they do serve a purpose. However...there are also The Big Honkin' Shams.

I got the shams with this comforter I wanted and suddenly I felt compelled to buy pillows to put in them. A sham is basically a pillowcase with an inconvenient all-the-way-around ledge around the edge. Puffs the pillows up to three times their natural size, sort of like when pissed-off chickens inflate themselves. Now, no one held a pistol to my head and demanded that I utilize the shams, and when I bother to make the bed up all nice they do look all purty 'n stuphph, but geez. They live most of the time on top of the bench at the foot of my bed or, if I'm not in the mood to be neat about it, atop the throw rug. Martha Stewart would pass a brick at the very thought.

I think that shams would be classified as "a girl thing".

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2000

Dogs do, in fact, sleep most soundly on their sides...which incidentally means that they have to spread their limbs so they cover as much space as possible. You'd be surprised how much area a 20 lb. cocker spaniel can cover. Milla, I have 6 pillows too. I use 5. The BF gets 1.

-- Anonymous, September 20, 2000

I think these posts are proof positive that you cannot really know someone on a bulletin board. I am totally shocked that Milla likes shams, much less owns shams. shocked. :o

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2000

*snicker* :) :D

Gawd, what next?! Will I admit my towels actually *whispers* match?!

I am not a member of Potpourri Abusers Anonymous yet, Lisa. ;)

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2000

Your towels match!? And I bet you don't have "dog" towels mixed in either? That's it, erase me from your address book! Seriously, though, you can get some help for all that matching and accessorizing... :) I think you probably desperately need some macaroni switch-plate covers to take the gloss out of that bedroom...

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2000

I think the massive piles of toys everywhere (despite no children in household) would pretty much ruin any decorator effect I was trying to achieve. But...heeeey...macaroni switchplate covers?...hmm! I was looking at some Powerpuff Girl switchplates, but now I'm all conflicted and torn and stuff.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2000

When I'm out camping by myself I lay on my back and watch the stars. If I wake up I'm still in this position. When she's with me I have to sleep inside the van with protection handy. She always makes sure it's close by the bed. She's a scaredycat. At home I get my 1/8th of the mattress. She says it was in the contract but I can't find it. She sleeps hhhhooooottttt!!!! and I'm just mellowly warm. She thrashes around all night throwing the covers off and giving me jackie chan moves till my kidneys are about to fail. And did I mention snoring? Even wakes the cats up. The dog growls sometimes because of the little gruffy sounds she makes at night. I think they're adorable. But when it gets cold here at the beach, she scoootches up to me and follows me around all night long. Sometimes I wake up falling to the floor. I just climb back in on her side. I like to go camping alot by myself. Gives my kidneys a rest. Sleepless at the Beach

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2000

I forgot. Milla, don't you have the Tiki Bar? If so, that always will offset the shams. :)

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2000

Nope, that Tiki bar would belong to another board member. If she wasn't chased off, that is. I hear it is a thing of beauty and a joy forever.

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2000

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