mp3 advice, please : LUSENET : Gwen's Trailer Trash Forum : One Thread

I want to make my own mix CDs. How do I do that? Is there software I can download somewhere?

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2000


Do you have a CD burner?

I'm pretty sure you need to actually have one of those to be able to make one.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2000

I just got a CD burner (it's a CD-RW) for my Mac last week. The software it came with is called Toast. It's extremely easy to mix CDs with this setup. Most CD burners, if they're USB or Fire Wire based, will work on PCs and Macs, and most come with software. For instance, mine came with two packages for Windows, along with the Toast for Mac. Do it, Gwen! It's fun! (make sure you use the gold CD-R media)

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2000

Gwen, I beg of you, please be making these mixes from CDs that you have purchased already and are just making compiliations of your favorite songs. Or, most of the record labels have recently come out with limited tracks that you can download for a small price. Go to their sites with your credit card ready. Please don't go to those thieving pirater bastards that can only be compared to pecan stealers, aka Nastper (I would not dignify them with spelling it correctly) and other such lowlifes!!! does have good software that you can download for free (legally) that plays MP3s. If you have inadvertantly downloaded music that you did not pay for (especially mine) and wish to confess and atone for your sins, you can send me the money for the royalties that may be due and I will distribute to the hardworking artists that deserve them. Please be as upstanding in this realm as you are in the rest of your life. Thanks.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2000

I have a CD burner, and I only want to make mix CDs from CDs I already own. (I figure it's easier than having a wreck while trying to switch discs in my car all the time.)

I think Paul found some program that worked for him (last night, right after I typed this) but I wanted to know y'all's fave.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2000

I have a CD burner, and I only want to make mix CDs from CDs I already own. (I figure it's easier than having a wreck while trying to switch discs in my car all the time.)

I think Paul found some program that worked for him (last night, right after I typed this) but I wanted to know y'all's faves.

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2000

Jeez, I've had too much to drink...I better go to bed. I'm starting to see double.

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2000

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