Can my cat be a Maine Coon? : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

About four months ago I aquired a kitten from a friend whose female Siamese had had a litter from a neighbor's cat whose breed was unknown to me. As she has grown, she has taken on some of the distinct characteristics of a Maine Coon such as the large plumed tail, the sturdy/rectangular body, the typical coon coloring (black and grayish-brown), brown/gold wide eyes, large turfted ears (although they are set a little farther apart than the typical MC) and others. She is a loving and gentle kitten and is very inquisitive and intelligent. She is built very strong, and her body is fairly "long" for a 4-5 month old. I was just wondering if she could be a MC. Thanks!

-- Anonymous, September 19, 2000

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