Response to If the DOT keeps irritating people, they are going to get ever more Draconian initiatives aimed in their direction, IMHO. : LUSENET : I-695 Thirty Dollar License Tab Initiative : One Thread

to Jim: You ask: "Do you attend other transportation public hearings besides the Narrows Bridge ones?"

Well, I've attended Blue Ribbon Commission meetings, although they claim that sending them e-mail is just as effective.

I've called and e-mailed Pierce Transit on some issues.

I've called and e-mailed the WSDOT on the HOV lanes up the Southcenter Hill. The WSDOT has an in-house policy that if the average speed drops below 45 mph in the HOV lane, then they will up the minimum number of people in a vehicle allowed to use the HOV lane. Even though we routinely travel at LESS THAN 20 MPH in the HOV lane south of I-405, the WSDOT refuses to enforce its own in-house rules.

I think people just want the government to clearly state what they're going to do, and, then, DO WHAT YOU SAY!!!

In general, all my involvement has resulted in nothing. My wife thinks I'm a fool for going to the meetings. So much for "being involved".

-- Matthew M. Warren (, September 20, 2000

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