Trust? : LUSENET : Gwen's Trailer Trash Forum : One Thread

What's your definition of trust?

Best one I heard, 'Two cannibals performing oral sex on each other!!'

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2000


I trust people like Gwen, because she is half white and half Mexican, and I am half white and half black. She calls people Trailer Trash, not White Trash, because people of all different colors can be trashy. I trust that Gwen can treat me and my opinions (even though I am not as educated as some people) with dignity. Unfortunatetly, I can't say the same for some people on these boards, so I think I'm going to stop posting here keep my opinions and stories private.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2000

Awww, Suki...don't do that! I like reading your postings. And you're not unintelligent. I find you to be very cool!!! I'm sorry if people have been mean to you. SCREW THEM! :-) Anyway, I like ya. Just wanted to say that. Hmm...Trust. That's a 4 letter word to me. I don't trust many people. Trust, I think is knowing someone well enough to let them actually know the real you. I don't do that often.

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2000

Yeah, Suki, what Shanna said. You best not go anywhere, if you know what's good for you! I'll come over there and spank some sense into you if I have to!

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2000

Who's been giving you a hard time, Suki? Look, take it from me, you can't let an asshole or two spoil anything for you! I enjoy your posts...and couldn't tell you were "uneducated" as you put. Stick around...there's nice people here. There's even people like me.

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2000

I look at trust from another angle. I can trust that a particular person will be verbally abusive. I can trust that if I tell someone else something personal and confidential they will spread it around and use it against me. This isn't cynical, this is four decades of personal experience. I have learned to turn to different people depending on what kind of support I need at the time. Still, I always hope and end up being hurt and disappointed. Last week was really, really bad for me and I have to quit working for awhile. All my friends were supportive and I, as usual, had hoped my mom and brother would be too, but they don't have a clue and just gave me unbelievable sh*t. I haven't met many people who can be trusted for everything all the time. By the way Sukie, I'd rather have common sense than education. I taught med. students for awhile, and boy do I have some good duh stories. Some people were really good, but they were equally balanced by real idiots, scary. Besides, I love your posts! You seem to have such an interesting life. Also, someone posted to my thread on internet providers about how to get rid of pesky ads. I can't find it anymore and Juno is driving me more over-the-edge than I already am. Thanks

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2000

BTW, really, really sorry but I know my email isn't working yet. I downloaded Eudora, but can't find my mail server and SMTP server addresses. Big apologies.

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2000

I don't base trust in others based on their parentage or ethnicity, but on their behavior. I don't think I trust anyone around here anymore. There's been a lot of needless nastiness and a couple of my favorite posters have been run off. Things are really degenerating around here. And it doesn't have anything to do with anyone's education level, either. It's about class and human decency, neither of which are exclusive to the well educated.

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2000

Suki sweetee, You send those assholes to me and I'll tell them to f---off. Ignor them honey. When people are mean it just shows what they are made of and that they aren't worth getting upset over. And don't let education fool you sweetee. Most of the time it just means someone spent a lot of money to become dumber. Love, James

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2000

Oh Suki, and PS- that's what your middle finger is for. A Suki Lover

-- Anonymous, September 23, 2000

uski where are you going??? are you going on vaction again?

i guess i have to trust brett whn hes away at races. i cant always go with him since i work and you know how girls looovee race car drivers and kid rock :)

-- Anonymous, September 24, 2000

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