Senegal, Foreign Partners Terminate Electricity : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
DAKAR, Senegal (PANA) (Panafrican News Agency,
September 22, 2000) - The Senegalese government
and the consortium, La Senegalaise d'Investissement,
comprising Hydro- Quebec of Canada and Elyo of
France, have decided to terminate partnership in
the supply of electricity in Senegal.. . .
Over the past three weeks, Dakar has been
experiencing daily power shedding which
seriously affects economic activity.The government blames its two "strategic
partners," which control 34 percent of SENELEC's
shares for their inability to solve the power
problem.. . .
He complained that when his consortium took
the SENELEC contract, it "had old installations
and was plunged in a deficit financial situation."Northern Light
-- spider (, September 23, 2000