manual for 23c enlarger : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I just purchased an old Beseler 23C series II enlarger(The blue one). It did not have the manual with it. I was wondering if any other members on this list have this enlarger and have a manual that I could get a copy of. I will pay for a copy if someone could help me out. In the box of stuff that came with the enlarger were several pieces of glass that appear to go in the top of the enlarger but im not sure which glass is used for what. I called Beseler and they said they did not have any manuals for the older enlargers. Thanks for any help. Rhonda

-- Rhonda Buchmann (, September 24, 2000


Response to manual for enlarger

Check with John Craig. [ He can supply this manual.

-- Alec (, September 24, 2000.

Response to manual for enlarger

Pieces of glass? If you have the traditional condenser-model 23C, about the only glass would be the two heavy, convex condenser lenses, which should be in the black cylinder that hangs from the filter drawer below the light bulb. I suppose a negative carrier equipped with glass plates would have some little rectangles of flat glass that might be drifting around loose. As for the manual, the 23C is so simple that a manual is hardly needed. Set the enlarger up and use it before spending much time or money rounding up a manual. If you have questions, someone on this message board can probably answer them.

-- Keith Nichols (, September 25, 2000.

Response to manual for enlarger

The piece of glass might be a special heat absorbing glass. Very likely if it has a slight greenish or bluish tinge. The 23CII benefits greatly from this optional item- it goes just above the filter tray rails inside the door on the head (unless the very early ones are slightly different).

-- Conrad Hoffman (, September 25, 2000.

Response to manual for enlarger

Almost forgot, the Beseler web site has an exploded diagram of the 23CII and it hasn't changed hardly at all in many years.

-- Conrad Hoffman (, September 25, 2000.

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