Was it dizzy at the top....was id diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizzzy at...the...top :-)?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Ok...I'm back and ready with a new WGB wager.......I reckon Yorkie will score.....................naaa..not Yorkie...he walks out. ....how about Bex?


BTW...1st half at OT..atmosphere good.....second half......we died.

Football at home is cak innit?

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2000


No one here today LR! Shearer will score more than Becks. Hardly a fair bet given their repsective positions.

Looks like your lot could do with our defence at the minute. 3 conceded against Chelsea is an embarrassment for most teams never mind yours. Sooner you get Wes Brown in the middle and Gary Neville out of harms way the better for your lot because Ronnie Johnsen is letting down my Fantasy Team.

Shrimps near relegation zone in Conference, oh dear.

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2000

The Shrimps aren't doin' too good are they? :-(

Maybe they need my support .....lol....but only if they win a European Cup first :-)

Nev's ok......it's Sylvestre that's the problem. The Wizard has made aboo-boo this term not signing a defender. We were mocked when we bought Stam...I just wish we'd be mocked again after buying another sub-standard Stam like player :-)

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2000

Can't see the reasoning behind letting Berg go out on loan. What with Johnsen's injury record last year and the apparent lack of cover, seems a strange move. Unless Berg was so willing to leave OT. Perhaps you should sign the NEW Mark Lawrenson from the Shrimps, and give us another reason to abuse you. :0)

-- Anonymous, September 25, 2000

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