How to build a chicken coop : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone have a copy of Countryside 78/3? Or has gotten some good plans for building a chicken coop for about 25 chickens?

-- vicky forba (, September 25, 2000


i have that issue. i will look through it and find the story. do you know how to scan and send as e mail?

-- renee oneill (, September 25, 2000.

i do have a scanner and printer that i know how to use Thankyou!! vicky forba

-- vicky forba (, September 25, 2000.

Vicky, look up ( Forsham cottage arks ) on your computer. Very similar to the chicken coop in the magazine. Also some other Ideas as well. You can get alot of ideas there. Good luck.

-- Bonnie (, September 25, 2000.

i am sorry i miss understood you ... dah! i have the year 1978 march not volume 78/3 i am soooooooo sorry.

-- renee oneill (, September 25, 2000.

search on for "chicken coop building" and they will have a great way to build a coop.

-- Vicky Forba (, May 29, 2001.

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