Thanks Kritter for the Link : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread

Thanks Kritter for the link to here. I've been out of touch for the past several months, it was good to see you and Wilfred at Bok's tonight.

-- bardou (bardou@baloneyyy.xcom), September 26, 2000


And it was great seeing you there, and now here! Come back and play when you get a chance.

-- Brooke (, September 26, 2000.

Hi Bardou! I don't know how I missed this thread before. Nice to hear from you. How are you? I stopped in at Bok's the other night and was surprised to see several 'old-timers' in there. It was nice. Maybe I'll see YOU in there one night. :-)

-- Gayla (, October 14, 2000.

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