Englands Vice captain plans revenge.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

What a sad couple Posh and Becks are. Be**ham says he keeps a notebook with info on everyone who has ever slagged him off in it, so that one day he can get his own back. Notebook , I would have thought a phone directory from every town and city in England would be more like it Meanwhile Posh has revealed that she spends #50k a year getting her hair done. These people are sad, very sad.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2000


Careful Rik, I'd imagine you feature pretty heavily in his little book, he might come knocking on your door once his career's over.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2000

I wonder if they are as sad as the folk that lets this sorta thing get up their noses?

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2000

Careful Rik, I'd imagine you feature pretty heavily in his little book

Not as heavilly as me I hope.......lets just pray that Poshpuffs revenge is forthcoming sooner rather than later.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2000

Not so much sad, as just rich, very rich and thick - a dangerous combination. Just ask Gazza!

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2000

I wouldn't climb over her to get to you lot and 50k is probably the same %ge of income that we all spend on hair dos.

The guys a dumb simple lad but so was Gazza and we gave him a chance.

What am I saying, help me ........

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2000

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