Who said it...........

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

the following is an attributed quote from a Premier league footballer......anyone care to hazard a guess as to which one it might be The great ??? tells OK magazine: "I definitely want ??? to be Christened but I don't know into what religion yet."

Given that the New Oxford Dictionary's definition of "christen" is "give a baby a Christian name at baptism as a sign of admission into a Christian Church", we'd guess that the religion is likely to be Christianity.

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2000


Have you also heard he's a quarter Jewish and claims to have worn a skull cap when he was a child . He also failed to recognise his own fathers voice on a phone in .. what a t0sser . At least our lads have got a brain between them you wouldnt have thought by the way theyve played football the last few matches mind .

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2000

At least our lads have got a brain between them

That's true Grant, the only problem is it is one between the entire squad!

Still.....better than half a brain I suppose (no names no pack drill....but methinks you know what I mean!)

-- Anonymous, September 29, 2000

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