Reality therapy and juvenile delinquent : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread

Currently,I am in grad school and I'm the process of choosing a counseling theory. I work as a Probation Officer.

Case example: I'm working with a female juvenile, who do not follows her mother directive, runaway from home, sexually active, and do not attend school.

My question: How can I apply RT techniques to this particular case.

-- Crystal Journette (, September 29, 2000


This is the type of case that Glasser is asked to do every time he offers to role play in front of a group. There is an example of this case on an audio tape he made in San Antonio,Texas in 1991 the tape is called "Quest for quality". One of his early teaching video tapes has a character similar to this. On an audio tape he made ,(I think) to cert week in L.A.1999, he plays against the father of an identical young lady. His approach is always the same: he establishes exactly what the parent is doing- usually criticising, grounding, punishing,blaming, threatening, and he asks them "Is it working?" The answer is always "no" so he asks them to evaluate and they usually say they think is is time to try some new behaviour. The behaviours he steers them towards (while acknowledging that these choices are difficult) are behaviours designed to deepen involvement and connectedness with the kid. Dr. Wubbolding's oft used metaphor "Take your sail out of their wind" seems to apply?

-- ken lyons (, September 30, 2000.

Ineed Article to search about Juvenile delinquents

-- aqel alaql (, December 31, 2004.

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