Violence rears its ugly mug again : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

I've just read that City fans ambushed Toon fans on saturday, how did it all come about and why did the police let it happen? Was anyone on the bbs in or around the area in question to give us a clearer explanation on what happend. Why do Manchester police seem so intent on letting violence happen to us real northerners, its bollox

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2000


Sssssssshhhhhhhh , got to keep hooliganism quiet Syme.

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2000

Syme, I was there but saw nowt. Susie Brown Ale got caught up in it (probably aal her fault ye knaa) and my cousin witnessed it all. I'm hoping to have a beer with him tomorrow to hear more. The "Reports" thread had a comment from, er I forget who - sorry! - commenting about it.

Nowt in the papers mind nor on North West telly.

-- Anonymous, October 02, 2000 are saying that they had heard that there would be trouble 2 weeks ago. I got a taxi from Picadilly to Maine Road with some lads and the driver said that there had been fighting at the station earlier in the day. "You Geordies kicked it off" he reckoned. There was a bit of an atmosphere outside The Sherwood before the game and there were definitely a few lads (both Geordies and Mancs) up for a fight after the game.

The worst fighting was around where the coaches were parked and some City boys went back to the train station to look for trouble but were kept back by the police. I walked back to the city centre with my jacket firmly zipped up to hide my shirt as there were a lot of smaller ambushes going off. Worst I've seen since Stoke in the cup about 5 years ago.

-- Anonymous, October 03, 2000

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