Florida: Major Electrical Problems Forces Orange County Courthouse to Close--Cause Unknown, 1000 workers idledgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Oct 4, 2000 - 05:34 PMElectrical Problems Forces Orange County Courthouse to Close
The Associated Press
ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - The Orange County Courthouse closed Wednesday because of electricity problems.
Chief Judge Ted Coleman ordered the courthouse's three buildings closed because of electricity problems caused by an unknown source, said Karen Levey, the court's administrator. About 1,000 people work in the courthouse.
Computers, security cameras, alarms and automated court reporting devices weren't working.
"It was really a matter of security," Levey said. Levey said she didn't know if the courthouse would reopen Thursday.
-- Carl Jenkins (Somewherepress@aol.com), October 04, 2000