Word of the day

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread


PRONUNCIATION: (JAK tih tay shun)

DEFINITION: a false claim or boasting, especially one that hurts the interest of others

SYNONYMS: braggadocio, prevarication, canard

ANTONYMS: truth, veracity, fact

TIP: In pathology, jactitation refers to extreme restlessness or tossing in bed which can occur as a symptom of some acutediseases.

Fit that in a conversation if you can! :o)

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2000


So... Jactitation refers to tossing in bed..I see now.

The synonyms are worthy in their own right - braggadocio, canard - bloody 'ell. Try getting those into a sentence without seeming like a complete t@sser. ;-)

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2000

So who exactly is this Jack Tit.... the asian?

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2000

Philistines.I am trying to interleave a little knowledge into you existence. :o)))))

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2000

I tried to get it into the conversation, but I eventually jacked it in son.




-- Anonymous, October 05, 2000

So ah said ti the secretary like.....come in here wi ya little notebook and tak-dic-tayshun......well it's close!

-- Anonymous, October 05, 2000

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