Colloidal Silver : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Are any of you good people using Colloidal Silver for the oncoming flu season? I am a firm believer in it. I had a full year of upper resp. infections (from the chemtrails, who knows?) that prescription drugs would not touch, but for a year now since I have been using it, have not had so much as a sniffle. I give it to my chickens, too, once a week in their water.

-- Hazel in WA (, October 06, 2000


We have used it with much sucess fighting sinus infections and bouts of intestinal trouble, and with skin fungus problems. We have gotten several family friends homemade machines and instructions off the net, and they are very happy, too. I have a cold just now, probably from one of the many in our classroom that have one. I don't think that it is the cure for a cold, but I do believe it is a great help in fighting secondary infections that might come with a cold (sinus, sore throat, chest congestion, etc.). I take mine every day, with my vitamins.

-- Leann Banta (, October 06, 2000.

please help me I have heards of this but dont know anything about it and it sounds like something I would like, is there a web site?

-- ronda (, October 06, 2000.

There are designs for making your own silver generator at Click on Mark Koernke. Be advised that you will be placed somewhat higher up on that list Joel was talking about earlier on the Big Brother posting.

-- Green (, October 07, 2000.

It's also great for getting rid of Lyme disease! Got rid it of in my 4-year old daughter without the use of antibiotics.

-- Christina W. (, October 07, 2000.

I've heard that that stuff is poisonous; silver has a lot of the same properties as lead. Be careful.


-- jumpoffjoe (, October 07, 2000.

I've heard that it's poison, too -- but when our youngest daughter fell against the wood stove and badly burned her face, one doctor prescribed "silvadine" (sp) cream, the other gave her a fish oil concoction -- we mixed the two together and slathered them on, and she healed without scars. Maybe okay for limited external use? But I don't think I would take it internally.

-- Kathleen Sanderson (, October 07, 2000.

I don't know alot about CS but from what I've read alot of people use and swear by it. I first heard of it at a Rife Technology site. If I remember correctly the claim is that it will effectively deal with over 600 known types of bacteria and viruses.

-- john leake (, October 08, 2000.

Thank you all for your responses. Am glad to hear some are using it. This is a good site that tells history of it. http://www.all- Remember "born with a silver spoon in mouth"? It comes from people sucking on silver spoons when they began making them from silver. Even way back then they recognized the medicinal properties of silver. It is definitely not the same as lead, as it is made from .9999% pure silver 14 gauge electrodes. 5ppm in distilled water.

-- Hazel in WA (, October 08, 2000.

Hm -- silver is poisonous? This is the first that I've ever heard about it. Salt is poisonous too. So is Nicotine, altho I wouldn't really classify silver and nicotine together. If I am not mistaken, it was a colloidal silver preparation that used to be used on newborn infant's eyes to prevent eye infections and they stopped using it when the modern wonder-drugs came on the market. I have heard if you ingest too much of it, there is a rare skin condition that results in which your skin turns grey, but it is a whale of a lot rarer than the number of people who die every year from 'safe' prescription drugs.

I have used it myself externally on a very stubborn ear infection with good results, as well as on wound sites for both myself and my animals. I am a little less enthusiastic about taking it internally, but that has to do with being afraid that it might not differentiate between good bacteria and bad. If I'd had a stubborn throat or upper resp. infection, I probably would use it.

-- Julie Froelich (, October 09, 2000.

Hi Hazel, I go to a homeopathic doctor. She prescribe for me a formula made with CS, enzymes (ants), and magnesium (cow liver). This I am to take for a year or longer so my body recognizes the correct way it is to do things. (chemical exposure messed me up) I recently had the formula changed, taking out horsetail (allergic to grass) and it seems to be working better. My son got put on a liver cleaner (dandelion, nettle, barberry and magnesium)that didn't have the CS in it. I requested no heavy metals for him though. I think between the formula and going into puberty, he is getting better.

-- Dee (, October 09, 2000.

Silver is not poisonous. It is used in the ceramic filters of the high-efficiency, high-quality, high-priced survivial type water filters, such as the Berkfield. We keep 99.9999% rounds in our water cooler. Keeps the water fresh and prevents the little scummy things that form in untreated water otherwise.

Silver nitrate was used in babies eyes to prevent eye infections at least as recently as 15 years ago. It is still used in higher concentration to clean out infections and prevent reinfections, as it was used to clean out an infected spot I had several years ago. Burns like a live coal of fire, but is effective.

Silver was the wonder drug of the First World War. It was used to clean out infections using it both topically and internally. I remember my grandfather talking about it.

-- (, October 10, 2000.

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