Georgia Power Crashes--Accident at Hydroelectric Power : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Saturday, October 7, 2000IN BRIEF: Georgia Power Crashes
REUTERS TBILISI, Georgia -- Most of Georgia was plunged into darkness Friday after a system failure at one of the country's power stations.
Some Georgians woke up to find they had no drinking water, while the underground in Tbilisi also ground to a halt.
"The crash ~ prompted an automatic shutdown of all energy systems in the country," said Yelisbar Yeristavi, a spokesman for the national energy board.
It was not known what caused the shutdown.
He said the accident at a hydroelectric power station, located around 60 kilometers from Tbilisi, had set off a chain reaction of automatic systems, which had switched off power to consumers in most of the country.
-- Carl Jenkins (, October 07, 2000