Calling Galaxy......glug glug....calling Galaxy : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

After seeing half of Hampshire covered in flood water on the news today.....has anyone heard from Galaxy......or has she floated off down the English Channel with the dogs in tow.

-- Anonymous, October 12, 2000


She's trying to atone for her disgraceful behaviour this morning by looking after her poorly sick daughter in the correct manner.....probably waiting on her hand and foot.... ;))

-- Anonymous, October 12, 2000

Halloo!!! Just got back from another jaunt with my hubbie - luckily we are not affected by the flooding - but it`s nice to know you care! (:o)

Yep - Yelli is still poorly - that`s why we went out, so that she could have a complete day of peace and quiet!!

And as for you Gav, casting nasturtiums on my maternal instincts indeed! Even Yelli agrees that she would never get another mother quite like me!! (:o)

-- Anonymous, October 12, 2000

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