What's the unluckiest thing that ever happened to you?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Novenotes : One Thread

What's the unluckiest thing that ever happened to you?--Al

-- Al Schroeder (al.schroeder@nashville.com), October 13, 2000


The same old train wreck that I live through in my nightmares even yet. Our disastrous auto accident on I-80 at Rock Springs, Wyoming which cost me a broken neck. I still do physical therapy on my own -- but try as might, it is obvious that this cripple is additionlly handicapped. But I am not losing ground and at age 79 I don't intend to bungee jump from a hang glider in a windstorm -- so I'll make it.

-- Denver doug (ionoi@webtv.net), October 14, 2000.

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