Check out these new links to sites : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

The Pointers site has become the Christians Only site. New links are constantly being added, like these: * All About Families * Christian Mirror (webzine for women) There is plenty of reading for everyone here. Randal

-- Anonymous, October 15, 2000


Great site... Is this Forum there anywhere?

-- Anonymous, October 15, 2000

Duane, at the moment I don't have a section for forums. May have later, but even at that the site features materials, webpages, and lists by the noninstrumental church. If you don't think it's appropriate for me to mention it here, I'll be happy to "cease and desist." I thought the Christian Church readers would find of it some use.

That reminds me to ask: I tried putting a link in one of my posts. Nothing showed up. Either I messed up the html, which is probable, or the forum got set not to accept links. Can you tell me which? Gonna try it again . . . :-P

Christians Only

-- Anonymous, October 15, 2000

Looks like I got my answer; the link shines brightly. Was my clutzy html before . . .

-- Anonymous, October 15, 2000

I found an interesting link on what is going to happen to Christians in America - actually, the world, but particular to American Christians. There is an online book that is called Surviving the Reign of the Antichrist, which is very interesting on what is going to happen in America. The url is Go to the section on e-books and click on the link for the book title. I think this is a christian site with a patriotic message.

-- Anonymous, October 18, 2000

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