Oxford or Trinidad?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Hi everyone, sorry I still haven't managed to tie up with you online recently, but life has been hectic here and I still can't seem to track people down at the same time as I am online. Anyway, I am now working in Oxford - which is supposedly a nice place, but I haven't seen much more than the inside of the office or my car so far. It's only a temporary job doing some design work on some schools and army establishments, but as my first professional job in two years, I am surprisingly quite enjoying it.

I have just been offered the chance to crew on a yacht from Trinidad to New Zealand via the Panama Canal, Galapagos islands, Tonga and various other places in between, sometime next year. Hmmm.... the choice is difficult - work in dreary, dull old England or the sun and islands of the Pacific? Think I know what the answer will be, if the finances can stand it, of course!

Hope things are well with all of you, would be nice to get some news occasionally!

All the best


-- leucite (leucite@hotmail.com), October 22, 2000


Wow, Leu ... how about that Trinadad trip! I'd take it in a heartbeat! You go, girl!

But ... only if you keep us up on your daily trip diary! :-) Go get that global-positioning wireless modem (yeah, right, at [mrmmphl] thousands of pounds) and email us trip reports from the boat! woohoo!

-- editrix (editrix@windhaven.com), November 06, 2000.

Hey Leu!! The nomadic life is an addictive one! Great to hear from you. I just picked up a brochure on treking and am daydreaming and adding up the pennies already.

Enjoy, the far off shores are calling your name.....leu..leucite


-- jaizee (jaizee@excite.com), October 25, 2000.

Hiya leu!!! sorry to have missed you - have been fairly busy at the moment with various things like buying my first house :)) Hope to catch you soon....HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

-- gobbles (gobbles2@hotmail.com), October 26, 2000.

Wow the life you lead! Sorry I missed seeing you too. My computer has given up the ghost and I'm temporarily using my husband's computer to check the message boards, etc.(I can check my excite e-mail from here too. Hint, hint... LOL) Keep me posted about when you might come back online and I'll make sure I can borrow his computer for a nice chat. Bye for now,

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (laighe@excite.com), November 04, 2000.

Hey Leucite!! Greetings from the Antipodes..Working for a living sure helps fund the fun times. Email us if you get the urge..love to hear from you.

-- Jennifer & Ray (Lady & Consort) (faith@iexpress.net.au), November 12, 2000.

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