Poes Eduacation and his wife's name

greenspun.com : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

Can you please tell me what E.A.P. had for education: Elementary Secondary Post Secondary And also can you please tell me E.A.P.'s wife's name.

Thank you very much please respond ASAP! Sheryl

-- Anonymous, October 24, 2000


Dear Sheryl,

Here are brief answers to both of your questions:

a) Poe's Education:

1) [aged 6-11] Irvine Grammar School (Irvine, Scotland) and Manor House School, (Stoke Newington, England) . 2) English and Classical School (Richmond, Virginia). 3) [aged 17] University of Virginia. Poe was soon forced to leave University, after incurring heavy debts which his foster father, a Mr John Allan, refused to pay. 4) Poe also went on to join the army, under the pseudonym of Edgar Perry.

b) Poe's wife, and incidentally his cousin, was called Virginia (maiden name Clemm).

Hope this helps you out:

Yours sincerely,

Pragmatic Poe

-- Anonymous, October 25, 2000

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