Sunderland to get 6200 tickets!!! : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Apparently those corporate seats are going to the Makems for the derby as it would be too risky to flog them by general sale. This sounds like a really bad idea: 6200 Makems = trouble.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000


where u hear that ?

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

Can't see that happening, there's no way to segregate them.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

Well at least it'll make us effing sing louder!

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

what ? With more of you being there ?

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

Shut it you pox ridden son of a mackem....

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

LOL LOL LOL. Great insult, Gav: made my day :-))), I'll have to remember it (and may even pretend it's original).

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

It's all the better for being true Dougal ;)) and feel free to use it whenever you wish :))

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

Ive gone right off you Gav , you've really really offended me now ; - (( Nick off back to where you came from mackem sympathiser , there's gonna be some bother on sarurday now .

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

How many seats are they really getting?

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

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