borring boring football : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

*dougal style question*

is football too boring these days?

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000


My wife says it is.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

A few of my ex's would certainly agree with that comment.....I sense that Swifty is trying to inject some life into this dead bbs at the moment.....a valiant effort sir but probably doomed to failure just like the team ;))

Sex is the only subject that stirs these folk at all these days...

So how about it folks.....when was the last time you had sex and who with? I'll start the ball rolling.....I had sex last night and this morning with my legal employer, nothing too outstanding cos I was drunk and hungover but it should be enough to guarantee us 3 points this weekend....

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

hahahaha ; - ))

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

Howay man Sting, I cannit wait until Saturday for the gossip ;))

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

I shall comment on the original question and ignore Mr. Herron's attempt to hijack the topic. :-)

I think a lot of it is mind numbingly boring, especially the televised stuff. I can't imagine there's anybody actually gives a s**t which side had most position, what percentage of time the ball was in play, etc., etc., ad throwupium. And I'm not even sure that that many people care too much about all this Opta crap.

Sky will be the death of footy IMO. So there.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

1- its very boring at present perhaps they should combine sex and football?

i reckon gav would be a rymans league reserve player or maybe a top player for csk moscow?

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

Bill avoiding the question like that is only gonna make me think you've got something to, you didn't get laid last night...

So there's me who did, Sting who's acting suspicously cocky and Bill who's almost grumpily admitting he didn't get any.....come on the rest of ya! join in the fun....

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

'position' ? Bliddy hell. Should have been 'posession'.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

Phileas, Moscow has been well and truly binned....kind stuck in wales at the moment although there's a cheeky little visit to Slovakia on the horizon.... ;)

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

go latin

i'm still in shock from last wednesday

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

So it's still going well mate....

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

gav are you a rent boy?

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

would you pay the rent ?

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

Gav writes: I had sex last night and this morning with my legal employer

But what he fails to mention is that he works for a fella ;0)

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

I'm about 10 layers down in the pecking order and nobody above me is female so sex with an employer is a no goer.

Mind you I'd quite happily be employed by someof the gals round here.

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

Hey want to try being bossed by the bag in charge at our of those type we all know well, she's as tall sitting down as she is standing know the sort, it doesn't matter where you sit in the room, she's always sitting next to you......yeah that's right, the last time I saw that amount of material in one place, I was camping in it.....and so were the rest of the scout group!

Blooby big oversized old bag, and whatever district of Lesbia she came from she ought to sod off back to! ;0)

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

So you don't like her then ?

-- Anonymous, October 26, 2000

Have a heart Gav, fourteen times the day before you posed the question should be seen in a sympathetic enough light to allow me a day off. I did have a wank though.

-- Anonymous, October 27, 2000

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