Copying a CDR VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello all;

I'm attempting to make a back up copies of several store bought VCD's, as well as a few of my own home made CDR VCD's. Both the orignal store bought, and the original CDR's of mine will play back in my DVD player, however, NONE of the Copies do. I can play the copies on my computer, but not on my DVD player.

I'm using EZ CD Creator 3, and I've attempted making a copy from the hard drive (copying all the folders from the VCD) and I've tried a disc to disc copy. None of them seem to work.

What am I doing wrong?

- Mark

-- Mark Audess (, October 27, 2000


There are only a handful of tabletop DVD players that will play homemade Video Cd's on a CD-R. There are quite a few that will play the homemade Video CD's on a CD-RW disks though. Try burning them to a CD-RW, EZ Creator will probably warn you that it is a CD-RW but burn it anyway. I have a Pioneer DVD player and when I bought it a little over a year ago it was the only player on the market that would play CD-R homemade video cd's

-- Al (, October 27, 2000.

go to and see if your set-top dvd player is in their list of dvd players that can even play HOME-BREWED vcd's.

-- Billy, boy, boy, boy (, October 27, 2000.

Try to burn at slow speed as 2X, I did have the same problem as you are but I burn at 2X it OK to me to play my DVD. I used Nero 5.0 and also some time I use Adaptec Easy CD creator (copy deluxe) seem to be OK for my DVD. I have a asian made SUPER GDS-888E DVD, SVCD, VCD and CD player it play only CD-R.

-- Hmong Providence (, October 29, 2000.

You have to use cd copier, if you copy the data it won't work it cant read all the files, you have to copy the entire cd with cd copier.

-- ANDY (ANDYSTRAWN@DELLNET.COM), November 19, 2000.

I convert the .dat file you find in the VCD to mpeg using vcdgear, then burn the file using Adaptec Easy CD Creator version 4 to burn a VCD. VCDgear allows for correction of the dat file when converting to mpeg and since EZ CD Creator will accept mpeg file for burning. You cannot disc copy a vcd and play it. I have tried too.

-- Hwa Lim (, November 24, 2000.

i use vcdgear16 to convert DAT 2 MPG and then drag the MPG into the nero compile VCD window

-- sumit (, June 27, 2001.

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