Pilgrim ...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

How did you like Austin??

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2000


Time of my life mate.

I got into the state capital bit on Saturday night. Most of the bars were celebrating Halloween. Lots of fancy dress. Some brilliant live music in Joe's Generic Bar. I saq the best guitarist I've ever heard. John McVey in a band called the Dupes (he also plays with the Stumble). He's just finishing a CD and I've got his email address to make sure I get a copy.

I have eaten myself sick. Theres no such thing as a snack in Austin. They cut the horns off, wipe it's arse and throw it on the plate! Managed to get half bottles of Broon in the bar too! Also ate loads of Tex-Mex.

I can't wait to go back.

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2000

Pilgrim (father). Two propositions for you. Fancy a beer tonight to discuss the second? Failing that, when are you next back over the pond?

-- Anonymous, November 02, 2000

OK, so you went oot withoot is. Aah'll forgive you. Spare ticket for the game, and a free lift, door to door. Leaving Friday pm returning straight after the match. Aah knaa a canny wifey in Ayreshin'ton who does B&B. Real family atmosphere. Gaan on - ye knaa ye wanna go.

Gizzaring on me mobile before 12:30.

-- Anonymous, November 03, 2000

Sorry Sru on both counts.

Went for a Curry last night as a farewell meal.

I'm off to Friedrichsdorf Sunday (permanent) so I honestly think I'd be shot if I went to the match!

Have to say no.

I'm not sure exactly when I'm back in Austin. I'll get in touch when I do know.

I'll probably be back in Runcorn for the weekend in the 17th Nov so I might see you then - football allowing.

Cheers Mate.

-- Anonymous, November 03, 2000

Pilgrim - hope the move all goes well. Keep us posted! Don`t forget to tell Mrs. P. that if she`s feeling lonely there`s always someone on here happy to blether on about non-footie matters (usually me!)(:o)

-- Anonymous, November 03, 2000

Hi Gal,

Thanks a lot for the good wishes. We'll both keep posting on here, don't you worry about that. This is my lifeline to the real world!


-- Anonymous, November 03, 2000

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