Durst 606 Owner's Manual

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Does anyone know where I can get an owner's manual for the Durst 606 enlarger?

-- Joanne de Boehmler (joanne@artistic-expression.com), November 06, 2000


I cannot help you directly, but Durst has a forum where similar questions are posed:


-- Marc Leest (mmm@n2photography.com), November 07, 2000.

The answer for manuals of all types is: John Craig.

-- Ed Farmer (photography2k@hotmail.com), November 08, 2000.

Thanks for your responses. I had contacted John Craig and he did not have one and I had contacted Durst. Durst has just responded that they do have one and will be mailing it to me. So, success! thanks again.

-- Joanne de Boehmler (joanne@artistic-expression.com), November 08, 2000.

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