lets get ready to rummmmbblllle!!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

Welcome to the main event!!! In this corner, we have the Machine Queen, the angel with black wings,Armitage!!!! And in the other corner, the stripper tag team, the cat women of catastrophe, Annapuma and Unipuma!!!! Now, lets see who wins this one......

-- Anonymous, November 10, 2000


Erm... fergive mine ignerance... but what anime are these ppls from?

-- Anonymous, November 11, 2000

FOOLS!! These are the most kick-@$$ ladies from "Armitage" and "Dominion Tank Police"!!!! Watch tv more often and learn!!!

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Wha? Armitage and Dominion something? What TV do ya watch?

-- Anonymous, March 24, 2001

my money's on Armitage. Last we saw of her (Polymatrix movie), she had just given away her "flower," and her syntho/human fetus was starting to develop. She'll reveal this fact and the maternity timetable to the twins. She'll invite them to feel her belly, and when they do, she'll knock their heads together. Winner: Armitage.

-- Anonymous, July 23, 2002


-- Anonymous, December 18, 2002

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