Jay, about those little log cabins....

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Jay, I read your response in the Christmas gift thread about little log cabins. I make twig baskets in much the same way with grape vine handles, although I nail my together instead of gluing them. I am curious about the tops or roof you put on yours. Is it a flat roof or gabled? I would like to try making one if you could give me some roofing hints! Mona Lea

-- Mona Lea (monalea@hotmail.com), November 12, 2000


I've used nails also, hot glue is just easier. I like to use something like a boot box as a form so that the top will fit snug. You can make the gabled roof by using cardboard as the form and gluing straw thatch bundles in place. If you want to add more detail, use potters clay for chinking. Something else that makes a nice Christmas gift is pine cone Christmas trees. Use a round piece of cardboard like pizza comes on as the base. Glue a circle of pine cones to this, then keep gluing pine cone circles going up and smaller diameter to form the "tree". After the tree is formed, glue little ornaments to decorate it. Makes a very nice centerpiece. Hope this helps you, happy crafting.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), November 12, 2000.

Jay, Thanks for the quick response! I am going to try making a couple of those for Christmas gifts. I have lots of pine comes too, may try the cone tree also. Mona Lea

-- Mona Lea (monalea@hotmail.com), November 13, 2000.

Mona, Lynn suggested something to me just a little while ago. Make clapboard siding from popsicle sticks and a tin roof from reversed aluminum can sections to make a farmhouse instead. Costs would be a bit higher, but would be different.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), November 13, 2000.

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