Counseling student looking for comments on : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread |
I am a counseling student concentrating on school counseling and community agency counseling. I am doing a presentation in a Counseling Theory class about RT. In my presentation I would like to include some quotes from individuals who have used or experienced RT in some way. These can be comments, strong opinions or whatever you feel like saying about RT. If at all possible i would love for you to e-mail the quote to, if not I will get them from your responses on this wonderful discussion board! Also pls. include who you are (i.e. profession, degree, etc). Thanks to everyone in advance. Charles A. Banner B.S. Special Education, Psychology. Johnson City, TN U.S.A.
-- Charles A. Banner (, November 13, 2000
ONE WEEK!!! i have been a sufferer of general anxiety disorder for 37years and have tried every type of therapy but rt.i met my new counselor(an rtc )1 week before having major dental surgery.I broke down in tears saying "I have surgery in ONE WEEK-and i am so absolutely TERRIFIED that i may not even enter the clinic!"He told me to read HOW TO REFUSE TO MAKE YOURSELF MISERABLE BY DR.ELLIS and to read CHOICE THEORY BY DR the week went by, as i read ,I found that my whole emotional land scape had changed and was continuing to . Exactly one week later,I walked calm and *happy into my dentists office to have all my teeth pulled .it puzzled the DEVIL out of him;,even as i explained the proccess to him ,he could only shrug in a puzzled way and say "what ever works for you" >THANX FOR LISTENING ---JULIAN * i was happy because I couldnt believe that it worked in ONE WEEK. I STLL CANT
-- julian porter (, August 17, 2002.