Favour required to p1ss off Mackems

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Could someone please please go to the supporters shop and buy me a car sticker for me back window , actually 2 please ,1 large , 1 medium .. preferbaly of the club crest or something similiar .. and send them down to us aspa ... Im not driving up the M11 / A1 without them , cos we NEED to abuse makem and itll mek it more fun .... anyone do the honours and the beers are on me .. Nowt tacky mind ; - )

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000


Anyone got a number for the shop then ; - ))

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Just stick your shirts in the back windows.....

might get rid of the BO smell before you get up there as well ;)

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Like i hadnt thought of that before , howay man ; - )

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000


E-mail me your postal address and I will get along there at lunch time to see what they have.

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

You could always get a small children's toy monkey and wave it at passing makems. Even better, tie it to your tailgate wearing their tampon coloured top.

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Thanks Steph on its way ... Just printing the beer tokens at the moment . See you saturday : - ))

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Don't tell me you didn't know that Steph would offer to help you out :))

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

I tries ringin mail order and the shop and neither could help .. i was just hoping someone could help me out otherwise i was going to get them meself at the weekend .. that kind of comment Gav does noone any favours .. dear dear ; - )

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Sting, I dunno whether they are still open but Football World on Oxford Street used to flog all manner of club paraphernalia.

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

There's also the gaff at the top end of Carnaby Street that does a lot of the stuff.

But if Steph has sorted you out all the better. I'll wait a week or so before I put in the same kind of plea!

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Aye king of the blag you are .. must be something about Heaton eh ; - )

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Yup.....I'll go along with that generalisation ;)

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Im saying nowt about Washerers ;)

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Only cos you're scared I'll get our Pauline out on Saturday night to give you another whipping at drinking ;)

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Its not the drinking im worried about man , its the whipping im scared about : - ))

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Now we know that's not true otherwise you wouldn't go to all the fetish nights that you do.....

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Look ive already explained about the stirrups , and them gas masks were for the smoggies match .. reet ?

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

But you never explained how come you'd never set foot in ayrsome park or the riverside?

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Defence time people......I asked Andy to get me a couple from the club shop when he was up there for the weekend a couple of weeks ago for the Great North Run (spectator) and the Everton game, but he got so pissed he didn't get into the shop.

I want a couple of car stickers (the last ones went to the knackers yard with the car) and also a complete set of photo's of all the players, (scanning/website use) the first is probably fairly feasible, the latter is less likely.....but then again, if anyone can help..........;0)

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Firstly Gav i didnt get me apps in in time , now ive a surplus of rubber ... Ken i think you arean honourable , just that friends like Andy well , getting p1ssed like that when you're meant to be running an errand - typical eh ? Ill try and get them pictures for ya mate cos there's no way ill be getting p1ssed before the match : - ))

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Cheers Grant.....what a gentleman......if you can it would be great.
I'll settle up with you for them and the Man City programme either at Villa (Dec 2) or if we can meet up somewhere before then.

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000


Help yersel to any of the player piccies you want from my site. Hopefully I got a couple of Lua Lua last night.

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Ill try me best Ken , would you like them signed too ? ; - )

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Cheers Steph......I did credit you with the Reserves information on the news page yesterday.......I'll have a look throgh your 'gallery'

Sting.....it goes without saying that all 40 MUST be signed.......and don't think you can get away with doing what we do here when people write in asking for signed photos......I will recognise if it is your writing.

-- Anonymous, November 14, 2000

Sting - there's a woman on TOTT, saying taht she flogs football- related car stickers. Check out http://www.stikasaurus.com

-- Anonymous, November 15, 2000

ta pet

-- Anonymous, November 15, 2000

That woman is spamming every open board on the internet with ad's for car stickers

-- Anonymous, November 15, 2000

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