Antlers : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My friend Barb is looking for antlers to use in craft projects. She is willing to pay for them if she can find a good supply. Right now she is looking for deer antlers to make a light fixture (don't ask me how). Barb is one of the most creative persons I know, she amazes me in what she is willing to try. If anyone can help, let me know. I once asked a friend to cut the tail off a dead coyote for her, but I don't think I could shoot a deer for her. Thanks Linda

-- Linda Al-Sangar (, November 14, 2000


If she is in an area where there is extensive deer or elk hunting have her find out where the meat lockers/processing plants for them are. Some hunters may not want the rack and the plants have to do something with them. I have seen some beautiful things made from elk antlers. If you have a copy of my book search under elk.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, November 14, 2000.

Every year there is a National Western Stockshow held in Denver, and one of the folks who display there makes light fixtues and furniture out of antlers. REALLY EXPENSIVE, and neat. You need a high ceiling for the lightfixtures, though. Probably the best bet is to ask at the processing plants, or put an ad in a freebie paper if one is published in your area. Jan

-- Jan in Colorado (, November 14, 2000.

Go to an area where there are a lot of deer and talk to landowners and ask if you can come back in January when deer shed their antlers and pick them up off the ground. You have to get them fast or animals will eat them because they are very high in calcium and protein.

-- Shooter (, November 14, 2000.

not sure where, somewhere out west, I remember reading that the boyscouts go around and collect then from elk (I think), and then sell them. Could also try White Fox Fur & Feather Co. 226 Main St p.o. Box 3 Pemberton, MN 56078-0003 (507)869-FURS (3877) If they dont have them, maybe they know where. Or you can check in the back of a trapping magazine

-- STAN (, November 14, 2000.

Elk antlers are collected all over the West as sheds. Good profitable hobby. A primary hunting ground is near Jackson Hole, WY. A site you may want to check out is: Moscow Hide and Fur located in ID

-- JLS in NW AZ (, November 14, 2000.

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