play mp3 cd with vcd player : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Dear sir,

I have a vcd player, but it can play mp3 cd. I want to play mp3 cd with the vcd player. What should I do ? How can I make a vcd player to play mp3 cd ? should I change or add some components or add a software in the vcd player ? Would you explain it for me, please Thanks for your attention.

Best regards, Aditya

-- aditya darmono (, November 18, 2000


First, does your player play MP3 or not?? You can look at its specs to see if it does. MP3 is part of MPEG-1 so only some VCD/DVD players will play MP3-only CDs. All Chinese/Taiwanese DVD set-tops now play MP3-only CDs, and they say so. Some others do, like the Hitachi 505, but nothing in its instruction manual says anything about it. Okay let's say it does play MP3, then the next thing you should do is create an MP3 CD. To do this, you should rip off your audio CDs to your HDD so that you now get *.wav files. Rename these *.wav files consecutively, like m0001.wav, m0002.wav, m0003.wav, etc. Then you should have an application that converts these .wav to *.mp3 files (like Xing, etc.), ensuring that you indeed choose layer 3 audio for MPEG-1, with a max bitrate of 224kb/s. Bitrates between 128 and 192kb/s will sound OK. Better MP3 encoders usually take care of all these specifics. Generally, a 3 min. *.wav file ripped from a CD will be ~30mB, and after encoding to *.mp3 is usually a tenth of this or around 3mB. You now gather these *.mp3 files and create a CD-ROM, with nothing BUT these *.mp3 files, putting them ONLY in the root directory of the CD-ROM. No subdirectories, because so far all MP3- capable CD players I've encountered wants the files to be only in the root directory. There you have it.

-- MT (, November 19, 2000.

See for a way to create and play compressed audio files on VCD. I can fit 3.5 hours of CD quality music on an 80 minute CDR this way,


-- kevin (, November 20, 2000.

dear sir i have new comp i want to see some vcd movies who iget and how i make vcd player and add in my compeueter

-- sunnan (, December 19, 2000.

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