SVCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I cant get to make an mpeg2 file, I have a pyro firewire card (IEEE 1349) and that came with Ulead video 4.0 and Ulead media studio pro 6.0.

I try to save it as an mpeg2 file, but when I open nero5 to create a SVCD it tells me that the file is not reconized it thinks it's mpeg1, and I have tried this using both software with the latest patch for media studio.

can someone walk me through it? thanks Jason

-- Jason Scott Walker (, November 20, 2000


Jason I guess your using the builtin encoder (LSX) in both those programs and that will be the source of your problem, dont use it!

Read the stuff on my web site that deals specifically with using Ulead and the Pyro card, make contact off line if you wish.

-- Ross McL (, November 20, 2000.

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