WA: City Light warns usage cuts, blackouts possiblegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
The chaos in California's newly deregulated
energy supply system may cause rolling blackouts
in Seattle this winter and prompt Seattle City
Light to ask its biggest customers for voluntary
cutbacks.Utility officials say they may ask Boeing,
Bethlehem Steel and downtown office buildings
to reduce their electric use if California can't
provide enough power to Northwest utilities to
get them through the winter."We're trying to avoid rolling blackouts" this
winter, said City Light spokesman Dan Williams.
"We don't want to panic people. But the system
is a little stressed right now, and (rolling
blackouts) can happen if we don't get
cooperation."Seattle P-I
-- spider (spider0@usa.net), November 24, 2000