need help: download, burning to vcd, watching on dvd. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

i have cd creator, can download movie files(.asf .avi .mpg .mov) from internet(imesh). which files do i want to use to burn using cd creator, so that i can watch the movies in my dvd player (which says it supports vcd's)

-- b thomas (, November 24, 2000


Just because your dvd player says it supports vcd doesnt mean it will play cdr or cdrw. ALOT of players DONT. go to to find if your player will even play one first. If so some back here and read dozens of other posts that answer your questions, over, and over, and over.
If not, save your money and buy one that WILL PLAY cdr-cdrw.
Most people find out after they have bought a useless player first.

-- zar (, November 24, 2000.

even though your questions have been answered a million times in the archives, ill lead u to water, but only because your in DE. :-) go here:

-- ndumu (, November 24, 2000.

hey bradley,just want to know what sites you download those movies at thanx

-- shello (, November 25, 2000.

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