Stage photo : LUSENET : People Photography : One Thread

Hello. I've been observing here ( ok...lurking ), for a few weeks now since Tom ( t ), invited me over here (thanks tom). I decided it's finally time for me to jump in with a photo, so here's my first submission. Done for a musician to be used in promotional packages with other stage shots of him and his band. The high contrast here was his choice, which was a good thing since the lighting in this little club made it difficult to do anything else. I used rear curtain flash to get some movement blur but keep a degree of sharpness needed for his purpose. Tri-x film developed in microdol-x, scanned from negative. Background burned in photoshop. By the way... his wife loves this photo... do you see why?

-- Susan Daly (, November 24, 2000


Very very cool- great technique too. Blur makes his nose look a little weird but what the hell- and it really doesn't look like flash at all- that's what we like!

-- Chris Yeager (, November 24, 2000.

I agree with Chris. Nice work. Great composition and I get a real feeling of the intenseness of his playing/singing style. The streak of perspiration running down his face is a great detail. I really like the rather high contrast of this photograph. Welcome to the forum! I wonder who else it out there lurking?

-- Tony Rowlett (, November 26, 2000.

Now if people used flash this skillfully all the time, I wouldn't have to rant about how much flash sucks. Very nice image, Susan. Welcome. . .

-- Mike Dixon (, December 04, 2000.

Here is the image that goes with these comments. it was at geocities so u know what happened. ;-/

-- susan daly (, March 09, 2001.

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