need help on finding info on the book of tibias : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

i need help on finding info on and about the book of tibias, i am looking for information so i can learn about the theme of the story and more about the book it self, thanks you

-- Travis Thompson (, November 27, 2000


I think you must mean Tobias. You will find the Book of Tobias in any Roman Catholic version of the Holy Bible. It comes just before the Book of Judith, which is before Job.

-- eugene c. chavez (, November 27, 2000.


It was only a week ago that another gentleman asked about the archangel Raphael -- who is a character in the book of Tobit, sometimes called Tobias.

If your Bible does not have this fairly short and interesting book, you can read it he re.


-- Slave Nolonger (free@long.last), November 27, 2000.

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