Buying baby chickens : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I live in western Wahington and am interested in purchasing baby chicks which have been raised non-commercially. I will be using these chickens for laying. Please contact me if you have information regarding this matter.

-- Leslie Madrona (, December 03, 2000


Wait til spring .Ask around at the local feed store .You may be able to find someone willing to sell egss to hatch .

-- Patty (, December 03, 2000.

Hm, baby chick? I don't know about others, but when I think of "baby chicks" I think of one or two day old chicks. When I think of just "chicks", I think of ones that can be older, maybe up to two week.

Most day olds shipped in have never learned to eat or drink, so I need enlightened as to why not commercially raised ones? At this age they wouldn't have been vaccinated yet, as that would be left to the new owner to save on cost. Unless you order de-beaked ones, that process shouldn't be done.

Just curious, but support your choice as to your action. Why, if you don't mind sharing?

-- Notforprint (, December 03, 2000.


-- ~Rogo (, December 09, 2000.

Leslie---I had a friend that wanted to start out like you----so I let her borrow one of my batam hens that was wanting to sit on fertilized eggs-----She took the hen / eggs & nesting box all to her place & she had instant chicks in a few days(then broght back my hen)-----but this was spring & when my hen wanted to set-----I would wait until nice weather----or buy a few nice bantam hens that are good sitters & get a rooster & you will have eggs & then in the spring you can let them go to set & start your own!!!! Just a thought!!!! Sonda in Ks.

-- Sonda (, December 09, 2000.

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