Bitting : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

Doesn't anybody have an answer to my question about my Maine Coon cat. I would really like to know why he does this. Thank you

-- Anonymous, December 03, 2000


Does your new kitty just bite you once, maybe to wake you up? I don't think his behavior has anything to do with whether he's a Maine Coon or whether he loves you. It sounds like you and he have bonded really well. Since he is a shelter cat you have no info on what kind of socialization he received from birth, with people or other cats. Maybe he's treating you like another cat, a playmate - licking you and then biting you. My cats do this to eachother all the time. It's part of their normal cat behavior. The problem is that this biting to you is not acceptable because you're a human! So figure out the best way to discipline him immediately when he does it and love on him all other times. I'm not sure the best way to stop him. I'd try keeping a water gun by your bed, or use a loud firm NO. I wouldn't discourage the licking unless you just hate it. Don't forget the time of day is not that unusual for a cat. And if he's still a kitten he's bound to pull all kinds of things. Good luck. I'm no expert but hope my suggestions might help!

-- Anonymous, December 03, 2000

I wrote a quite lengthly answer yesterday but I do not know what happened to it. My MC from a shelter also likes to bite. She has since I have had her which is since she was 4 weeks old. I got her December 7 last year so have her a year now. She has gotten much better but still bites on occasion. She always wants to be around us and follows us everywhere and always is in the same room with us. She does not like to be held and if you hold her and do not let her down when she meows, she will bite. This does not make me happy, but she is better than she was and I am hoping she outgrows it. I was hoping for a lovable kitty and she can be on occasion, but for the most part is only lovable when she wants to be. There again she has gotten more lovable with age. I don't think my answer will help you, but at least you know you are not the only one with a biting MC.

-- Anonymous, December 12, 2000

Please forgive me if this response sounds defensive. Maybe I am just too sensitive. But both Shannon and Arlene refer to their cats as Maine Coons when both were adopted from a shelter. Then they talk about the bad behavior (biting). Maine Coons are some of the most laid back lovable cats if bred and raised responsibly. Your cats may not even be MCs. Like I said in my previous response, their behavior doesn't seem likely to be related to their breed. Your posts seem to imply that this is MC behavior, but you really don't even know if you have a true MC since they came from shelters. I don't think there are many people who have pedigree MCs who would allow a cat they have paid big bucks for end up at a shelter. Most breeders have a buy back program. I don't want anyone discouraged from getting a MC because they read your posts that say your MCs bite. I hope your situation gets better and hope I have worded my response so as not to offend anyone. I just wanted to let you know how I interpreted your posts.

-- Anonymous, December 12, 2000

I did not mean to imply that all MC cats bite. In fact after all the reading I did about them prior to getting one, made me want a MC because of their disposition. My "MC" was in a shelter because the owner of her mother died leaving the mother MC and 4 kittens. The family of the lady that died could not be bothered with them and took them to the shelter. I do not believe that they knew what they really had. The vet at the shelter assured me Molly is a MC. I guess I will never really know except that she has all the traits of a MC, except the biting behavior. Her markings are true MC and so are her antics. As I said before, she appears to be outgrowing the biting. We love her dearly and know she loves us because she always wants to be with us. She is wonderful with my 10 grandchildren ages 3 through 10 and never bites them. She hasn't bitten me in a long time and when she did it was on the hand. You can smother her with kisses and she would never bite your face. That's it for now. I hope Shannon's Shadow outgrows her biting behavior.

-- Anonymous, December 13, 2000

Please accept my apologies if I offended anyone or sounded haughty with my previous posts about MC's biting. I tried hard not to sound that way, but evidently I did because Shannon was upset and contacted me. So again to you, Shannon, and to everyone else, I'm sorry. Cat people are the best in the world, and so are MC's.


-- Anonymous, December 17, 2000

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