Neil Lennon on Shearer : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread


Celtic's new £5.75million signing Neil Lennon says he is still angry with former England captain Alan Shearer for kicking him in the head. The incident two seasons ago went unpunished on the pitch but was captured perfectly by the TV cameras. Lennon told the News of the World: "I will never forget what he did to me. It was certainly the worst challenge I have ever had made on me by a fellow professional footballer. "What really rankled with me then, and still does, is the fact that not once did he contact me privately to say sorry." Didn't the two-faced tit say at the time that he didn't think Shearer acted with any malice? Besides which, I seem to recall a legbreaker of a tackle on Bassedas a few weeks ago.

-- Anonymous, December 10, 2000


Sure, it's easy to say those things when you've run off to another league where there's no chance of playing on the same pitch as Shearer again.

-- Anonymous, December 10, 2000

I imagine he had to bring that up....nobody in Scotland has a clue who he is. Now they,ll be lining up to see him get kicked in the head again.

-- Anonymous, December 10, 2000

Look on the positive side Neil - in your case kicking you in the head is unlikely to cause too much damage!

Get a life you miserable little git. And don't come back.

-- Anonymous, December 10, 2000

Is it not fair to say that Lennon deserved an apology...or at least private "chat" from WGB?....I mean..If I knocked a guy over in the road...obviously not meaning to...I'd want to say sorry..even if it wasn't my fault.

Class that bloke..Shear(er) class

-- Anonymous, December 11, 2000

The day after the heedkicking Lennon said that Shearer had apologised straight away and said it was an accident and he accepted that. So what's all this bollox about? It's the only thing he'll ever be remembered for and presumably the only 'career highlight' that the Glasgow journos could think to question him about. Sad git.

-- Anonymous, December 11, 2000

Dread..I think Lennon wanted a private apology.

-- Anonymous, December 11, 2000

Anything to do with liability for damages? I can just imagine the twat wanting to take Al to court if he publically apologised.

Clearly Lennon's has a massive heed and it was all Al could do to avoid it...sadly failing. The only saving grace being that Shearer didn't accidentally scissor kick the agrieved Neil and thereby giving him half a chance of being mistaken for a human and not a whingy sour faced auld c**t.

-- Anonymous, December 11, 2000

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