What No Gav?...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Where`s my mate Gav this week? Holliers?(:o)

-- Anonymous, December 12, 2000


I thought i'd have seen him in the 'Arms' this week.

-- Anonymous, December 12, 2000

Am here....just can't be bothered to post....

-- Anonymous, December 12, 2000

Fancy a pint in the Greenspun Arms then? (:o)

-- Anonymous, December 12, 2000


-- Anonymous, December 12, 2000

O.......kay! I guess that means you just want to be left alone. (:o)

-- Anonymous, December 12, 2000

Ive just bought you a glass of champoo Gav , everything to celebrate man ;-)

-- Anonymous, December 12, 2000

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