Anyone know where Loony Toon is? : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Does anyone know Loon Toon's email address. He lives in Sydney. I've just arrived there and wanted to go out for a pint.


-- Anonymous, December 14, 2000


Hi Nick, I have a work email for Loony, he's only there 3 days a week but he may not be there today....however, email me here and I'll try and get you a number


-- Anonymous, December 14, 2000

Bliddy hell Rog - give away all me secrets on-line why don't you ?! Now everyone knows (what they doubtless suspected) about me being a part-timer - just like ITK apparently ;o)

I'd just like to set the record straight and assure everyone that it's DAMNED hard work out on the golf course the other four days per week !!

-- Anonymous, December 17, 2000

ps. Hopefully Nick you got my email ?

-- Anonymous, December 17, 2000

Speaking of Golf Loony, I believe a small matter of a wager was mentioned.....

-- Anonymous, December 17, 2000

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